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Do I need a taxpayer ID (EIN) number for my DBA?
Anytime you start a business, it's necessary for you to use either your Social Security number or a taxpayer ID number for federal tax purposes. Obtaining a unique taxpayer ID number, issued by the IRS, which is also known as an EIN or federal tax ID number, for your business is always a good idea because it clearly delineates the difference between your business entity and you as an individual if operating as a sole proprietor. If an existing entity such as a corporation or LLC is filing a DBA their existing EIN will apply to the DBA as well. EIN's are issued to legal entities, not DBA or fictitious business names.
Related Questions
- Is a fictitious business name the same as DBA?
- Where should I file my DBA?
- Do I have to file a DBA if I am using the same name as my corporation or LLC?
- Do I have to file a DBA if I am a sole proprietor or partnership operating under my own name?
- Am I the only entity entitled to use my DBA?
- Do I need a taxpayer ID (EIN) number for my DBA?
- May I file more than one DBA?
- When may I operate under my DBA name?
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