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May I file more than one DBA?
Yes, you may file more than one DBA. In fact, it is not uncommon for businesses to have multiple DBAs if they operate in different industries or offer different products or services.
However, each DBA must be registered separately with the appropriate state or local government agency, and you will typically need to pay a separate filing fee for each DBA. The State of California is the only state to allow the recording of multiple DBA names on a single filing. Additionally, it's important to note that each DBA must be distinguishable from your existing business name and any other DBAs you have already registered.
Related Questions
- Is a fictitious business name the same as DBA?
- Where should I file my DBA?
- Do I have to file a DBA if I am using the same name as my corporation or LLC?
- Do I have to file a DBA if I am a sole proprietor or partnership operating under my own name?
- Am I the only entity entitled to use my DBA?
- Do I need a taxpayer ID (EIN) number for my DBA?
- May I file more than one DBA?
- When may I operate under my DBA name?
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