RushFiling Privacy Policy
Protecting Your Information
To assure the safety and appropriate use of your personal data, we have a dedicated team of authorized personnel responsible for the management of the information collected online. Our team members understand the nature of confidentiality and are bound by a non-disclosure agreement they must sign as part of the terms of their employment with our company. Additionally, our website is secured by Verisign. This means that your personal information is automatically encrypted as it’s in transit from your computer to ours using SGC-enabled SSL (Secure Socket Layer) Certificates that provide 256-bit encryption to online visitors, including those who use older versions of Windows and Internet Explorer. We’re also protected by VerisignEV, which offers additional security to the customer at the point of purchase. Finally, our servers sit behind state of the art hardware & electronic firewalls and are not directly connected to the Internet, so your private information is as safe as it gets.
Data Collection
RushFiling collects data from our users and customers in three ways. The first is from you our user or customer directly providing your personal information via online registration or a questionnaire that you fill out on our website. The second is from you directly providing your information through a personal exchange over the telephone. Both of these ways are voluntary on the part of our users and customers. The third way is through your navigational interactions when you visit our website—i.e., how you move about our site. In this situation we collect and analyze statistics about your activities (for example, which pages you visit and how much time you spend browsing the pages).
How We Use the Collected Data
Collecting your navigational data for analysis allows us to understand your online habits and personal preferences. In understanding your habits and preferences, we can improve our website content and format so that it benefits you our users and customers even more. Almost all of the personal information that you provide us (either online or by telephone) is a matter of public record. How we organize that information varies according to which of our services you have selected. Our procedure entails filling out various legal documents and forms, in a private and secured office space, and then submitting them to an appropriate government agency or agencies for the purpose of accomplishing business formations, name changes, small claims lawsuits, and more in applicable jurisdictions throughout the United States.
Third-Party Disclosure
None of your personal information (i.e., your email, your name, the name of your company or other information) will be released to third parties except for the government agency required to fulfill your requested service. The other exception to this statement is if you choose to list your business in our online business directory. In this instance and only at your request will we post on our site the name, address and telephone number of your business and what type of business you conduct (e.g., dog grooming service, accounting services, etc.) as part of a public business forum.
Third-Party Advertising
We intend in future to offer our customers the option of add-on services, such as legal or accounting services. These secondary services will be made available to our customers as a form of selective advertising on our site. We will provide none of your information to any of our affiliates or associates who provide these secondary services. If you, our customers, opt to pursue such services, it will be your choice and yours alone to do so and to provide your information.
Site Registration
Our users and customers may register on our site to peruse and/or purchase our document preparation services. Once you register, you may also receive newsletters and promotional emails regarding the latest news and specials offered by RushFiling. If at any time you decide you wish to be omitted from our distribution list, simply call our offices at 1-888-634-8316 and ask to be removed. You will be deleted from our distribution database.
Storage of Your Information
RushFiling maintains electronic storage of all documents returned from the court for a period of five years. If you our customers ever need a copy of any of your documents, we can provide it as long as it falls within the five-year period following the document’s filing. After five years, the documents are permanently archived. Please keep in mind that a copy of one of RushFiling’s electronic documents is not the same as a certified copy.
Third-Party Advertising
We intend in future to offer our customers the option of add-on services, such as legal or accounting services. These secondary services will be made available to our customers as a form of selective advertising on our site. We will provide none of your information to any of our affiliates or associates who provide these secondary services. If you, our customers, opt to pursue such services, it will be your choice and yours alone to do so and to provide your information.
Thanks for your interest in our privacy policy.
Please enjoy our site, our services and the assistance of our knowledgeable staff.
Client Testimonials
I was told by a friend that you guys could get my seller's permit quickly but wow! I had a permit in 4 hours. Another friend is calling you next week. You are much appreciated. Happy in New Jersey!
Eduardo C. Dallas, TX
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