DBA FAQs Back to All FAQs
When may I operate under my DBA name?
You need to file your DBA before you can start a business or open a bank account. As soon as it is placed on record and certified by the County or State you may proceed with operations. Publication is statutory requirement in several states but that does delay the use of the active name in any of them. RushFiling offers expedited DBA filings in all applicable states.
Related Questions
- Is a fictitious business name the same as DBA?
- Where should I file my DBA?
- Do I have to file a DBA if I am using the same name as my corporation or LLC?
- Do I have to file a DBA if I am a sole proprietor or partnership operating under my own name?
- Am I the only entity entitled to use my DBA?
- Do I need a taxpayer ID (EIN) number for my DBA?
- May I file more than one DBA?
- When may I operate under my DBA name?
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