Renew DBA FAQs Back to All FAQs
When do I have to renew my DBA?
The renewal requirements for a DBA (Doing Business As) or fictitious business name vary depending on the state and local laws. In most cases, DBA registrations need to be renewed periodically, usually every few years.
In general, you should renew your DBA registration if:
Your registration has expired: If your DBA registration has expired, you will need to refile it to continue using the business name.
You want to update your information: If you need to update your business information, such as your address or the name of your business, you will need to refile your DBA registration.
You want to continue using your DBA: If you want to continue using your DBA or fictitious business name, you will need to renew your registration before it expires.
It is important to check with RushFiling to determine the specific renewal requirements and deadlines for your DBA registration. Some states require DBA registrations to be renewed annually, while others may require renewals every few years. Failing to renew your DBA registration can result in fines, penalties, or even legal action, so it's important to stay on top of your renewal deadlines.
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