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When am I required to change an EIN?
You may be required to change an EIN (Employer Identification Number) if there are certain changes to your business structure or ownership that affect its tax status. Here are some situations in which a change of EIN may be required:
Change in business structure: If you change the legal structure of your business, such as from a sole proprietorship to a partnership or LLC, you will need to apply for a new EIN.
Merger or acquisition: If your business merges with or is acquired by another business, you will need to apply for a new EIN.
Bankruptcy: If your business files for bankruptcy, a new EIN may be required.
New business: If you start a new business as a separate entity from your current business, you will need to apply for a new EIN.
Change in ownership: If there is a change in ownership that results in a change in the tax classification of your business, such as from a partnership to a corporation, you may need to apply for a new EIN.
It is important to note that not all changes in business operations or ownership require a change of EIN. For example, if you change your business name or location, you generally do not need to apply for a new EIN. However, you should update your business information with the IRS to ensure that your tax records are accurate.
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