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Is a fictitious business name the same as DBA?

Yes, a fictitious business name (FBN) and a "doing business as" (DBA) name are essentially the same thing. In some states or jurisdictions, the term "fictitious business name" may be used, while in others, the term "DBA" may be more common.

A fictitious business name or DBA is a registered name that a business uses to operate under a name different from the legal name of the owner or entity. It is often used when a business wants to operate under a different name than the name of the individual or entity that owns the business, and is required to register with the appropriate state or local government agency.

For example, if John Smith wants to start a business called "Smith's Pet Supplies" but his legal name is "John Smith," he would need to register the name "Smith's Pet Supplies" as a fictitious business name or DBA. This allows him to use the name "Smith's Pet Supplies" for his business operations, while still maintaining his legal name for official purposes.

In summary, FBN and DBA refer to the same thing, which is a registered name used by a business to operate under a different name than its legal name. It's important for business owners to be aware of and comply with the specific requirements for registering a fictitious business name or DBA in their jurisdiction, as regulations can vary. Failure to register a required DBA or FBN could lead to legal consequences and may affect the business's ability to conduct transactions under that name.

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